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eCreator: Advantages of Our In-House Authoring Tool

Corrie Smith

OTS Intern

The coronavirus pandemic will inevitably change the landscape of the workplace and training will be no exception. In a survey, 89% of L&D professionals suggested that post-2020, less than half of all training will be delivered face-to-face (source: Learning Solutions). The necessity for online training has never been more apparent.

While we are confident that our diverse catalogue of content contains the best training around, we also know that often companies need to weave their own policies, processes, procedures and product training into courses.

With our in-house authoring tool eCreator, integrated within our award-winning learning solutions, you can not only create your own content but also ‘top and tail’ the GRC course that you are rolling out.

Watch our eCreator video below to see what it can do for you and your company:


1. Product training

Build courses from scratch around company specific product training

2. Policies, processes and procedures

With our flip cards, tabs and click and show templates, it is simple to demonstrate processes and procedures that are important to your company. Paired alongside a declaration, you can ensure that reading is tracked.

3. Senior leader messages and videos

Import video files into your courses which improve engagement with the content.

4. Links to company videos on YouTube / Wistia.

eCreator includes a premade template, making it easier to embed videos into your courses.

5. Extra questions and testing

You can set your own multiple-choice questions simply by adding our question function onto any page. While these questions do no add to the results of any summarising assessments, they act as excellent knowledge reinforcements throughout.

6. Declarations (which includes reportable data)

Within this is an interactive information screen a declaration statement and checkbox for the learner to select will certify that they have read and understood.

7. Create re-useable templates which are branded

Create your own eCreator page templates, branded with your company logo and colour scheme. You can also set up your eCreator theme so that this branding is consistent even when using our premade templates.

If you would like to find out more, please contact your Account Manager. Alternatively, email [email protected] or call us on 0800 055 6586.


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